Other supporting agencies

Other supporting agencies

If you are in immediate danger please call 999, for non-emergencies please call 101

Click on this link and Read from page 4 onwards on this document for a list of services in Birmingham. 

Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid 

Provides a range of services for women and children experiencing domestic abuse including family support, counselling and practical support and advice around issues of safety, welfare benefits, debt, child contact amongst others. Drop-ins are available across the city: contact the freephone for details.

Freephone helpline. 0808 800 0028  

Birmingham Women’s Aid helpline is now open 7 days a week 9.15am-5.15pm 0808 800 0028 apart from Christmas Day.

Can’t chat but can type? Webchat is available by clicking on the speech bubble in the bottom right hand corner of their website. The live webchat is open Monday to Friday 10am till 2pm

Drop-in centres

Birmingham City Centre : Monday to Friday10am – 4pm.

Solihull North : Tuesdays and Friday*, 10am – 4pm

Solihull South : Wednesdays*, 10am – 4pm

*Except Bank Holidays

Please call 0808 800 0028 for more information


Cranstoun delivers the Domestic Abuse Lead Worker Service in Birmingham on behalf of the city council. This is a gender-neutral service with support for up to 12 months. They offer early support to vulnerable adults in their home or the community. The service is free and offers practical help, supporting people to manage their lives and wellbeing including those with poor physical or mental health. We provide ongoing personalised support in order to assist individuals to stay in accommodation and improve their health and wellbeing. Eligibility criteria

  • Female and male victims of domestic abuse, aged 18+, with or without children
  • Those living in precarious housing, but not statutorily homeless as defined by the Homeless Reduction Act
  • 0121 633 1750 birminghamadmin@cranstoun.org.uk

Birmingham Rape and Sexual Violence Project (RSVP) 

If you have been affected by sexual abuse, you can access their free services. Get in touch with them to find out how they can support you on 0121 643 0301 / info@rsvporg.co.uk RSVP believes that everyone deserves a life free from sexual violence and abuse. They offer empathic services to support and inspire children and adults of all genders who have been subjected to sexual violence and abuse.

WAITS | Women Acting in Today’s Society 

WAITS offers floating support to women, with or without children. They also offer short term temporary accommodation (Iona House II & III) to single women located in the heart of the community with communal facilities. If you would like to refer yourself onto their services, phone 0121 440 1443 or email support@waitsaction.org ANAWIM
Project Support for female survivors
Call our free helpline
Monday – Friday between 9am and 5pm on 0800 019 8818

Live chat Press the Live Chat button on every page of our website to reach one of our team online


You don’t need an appointment to visit our Drop-in services in Birmingham.

  • For general advice visit Anawim Women’s Centre, Balsall Heath, Mondays to Fridays at 9am- 4:30pm
  • For general advice in the Washwood Heath area, visit The Dolphin Women’s Centre, Ward End Park, Washwood Heath Road, Birmingham B8 2HB, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays 10am-2pm

Find out more about our Drop-in services here.

Support Through Court 

Trained volunteers provide emotional and practical support to clients throughout the court process. Call 0121 250 6354, office hours Tuesday to Friday, 10.30am to 2.30pm or email: birmassistant@supportthroughcourt.org  

Birmingham Crisis Centre 24Hour Helpline 

This 24hr helpline, 0121 507 0707, is available to ANY women and their children who are victims of domestic violence and are seeking refuge, help, advice and support. 

Birmingham LGBT Centre 

Birmingham LGBT are now delivering independent domestic violence advocacy and support for LGBT people in Birmingham. If you or someone you know would like to access support in relation to domestic abuse then please call: 0121 643 0821 or email idva@blgbt.org  They have also launched the Rainbow Project, which is a group work programme for Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans (LBT) women who are experiencing, or have experienced domestic abuse. This is an eight week programme and specific to the needs of LBT women. If you are interested in attending the Rainbow Project programme, please get in touch with the IDVA team by calling them on 0121 643 0821 or emailing us idva@blgbt.org 


People who are vulnerable due to a disability, illness or their age may find it difficult to put their views across or feel they aren’t being listened to. POhWER’s advocates support people to deal with an issue they are facing. The community advocacy services are free and confidential; the advocates are independent and only take actions they have agreed with the person they are working with. For more information, advice and support, please contact them on
Contact details:
0300 456 2370
email pohwer@pohwer.net 

The Samaritans 

Available any time, day or night. Whatever you’re going through, you can call them from any phone for FREE on 116 123.  Write them an email – Sometimes writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you understand them better. jo@samaritans.org Response time: 24 hours A Self-Help App is also available to track how you’re feeling, and get recommendations for things you can do to help yourself cope, feel better and stay safe in a crisis. 

Birmingham Healthy Minds  

BHM offers advice, information and brief psychological talking therapies for people aged 16 and over, who are often feeling anxious, low in mood or depressed. You can refer yourself by calling their service on 0121 301 2525. Calls answered between 9.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.  Please be patient as telephone lines can become very busy due to high demand. You can also text ‘BHM’ to 60777 and they will call you back. Alternatively, your GP can refer you by sending us your details and you can ask your GP to notify us of any special requirements in accessing the service, for example if English is not your first language and you require an interpreter. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the service is currently being delivered over the phone or via a video call.  

Mental Health Support Offer 

A range of new, easily accessible mental health support is now available for patients in Birmingham and Solihull. This support is available to local people of all ages as well as keyworkers. These services are provided by a range of local organisations, and offer emotional help and guidance to people in Birmingham and Solihull. Available to all residents of Birmingham and Solihull and keyworkers, call: 0121 262 3555, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week For 0-25 year olds in Birmingham, call 0207 841 4470, available 10am to 6pm, 7 days a week or email: askbeam@childrenssociety.org.uk For 0-19 year olds in Solihull, call: 0121 301 2750, available Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm. For 8pm to 8am and on weekends call 0121 301 5500 and ask for SOLAR. For 11-25 year olds in Birmingham and Solihull there is peer to peer support through moderated discussion forums, self-care tools and resources and online mental health counselling and chat services from 12pm-10pm during the week, and 6pm-10pm at weekends via Kooth.  

Change Grow Live: Drug and Alcohol Service Birmingham 

Here to support anyone having problems with drugs and/or alcohol.

Our drug and alcohol service is free and confidential. Our recovery teams are based across the city. We can support you in different locations across Birmingham, just let us know where is convenient for you.

Contact details:
0121 227 5890 birmingham.info@cgl.org.uk.

National Contacts

Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline 

0808 2000 247 run by Refuge. Or you can chat to them live via webchat, Monday to Friday, 3pm to 10pm. 

National Women’s Aid Survivors Forum 

This Survivors’ Forum is a safe, anonymous, space for women (over 18) who have been affected by domestic abuse to share their experiences and support one another. You don’t have to sign up to read the forums but if you want to introduce yourself, join in the discussion, and connect with other survivors then you will need to create a profile. A moderator is online every day to respond to posts, provide individual advice, and deal with any technical problems relating to the Forum.  The forum is not a helpline service. 

National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) 

Call 0800 970 2070 or text NCDV to 60777 and they will call you back (make sure it is safe for them to do this before you text). The NCDV service is free, fast and user-friendly, usually helping you obtain an emergency injunction within 24 hours from when you first them. 

FLOWS | Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors  

FLOWS support women to protect themselves from violence, gain court orders, access legal aid and navigate court processes. Phone: 0203 745 7707, phone line available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Email: flows@rcjadvice.org.uk 

Surviving Economic Abuse  

Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA) is the only UK charity dedicated to raising awareness of economic abuse. Working to ensure women are not only supported to survive but also thrive. Their website has a host of information available to highlight all the ways in which women can access support.  

Court Nav  

CourtNav is an online tool designed to help you if you are completing an application for a non-molestation and/or occupation orders (injunction) to get legal protection in England or Wales. It can also help you get a divorce petition.

CourtNav will ask you a series of questions and your answers complete the relevant court forms. If you’re applying for an injunction they will also quickly establish if you are eligible for legal aid.

Women’s Aid website for children and young people 

This website has information, activities, a quiz and stories of children living with domestic violence. 

Paladin – National Stalking Advocacy Service CIC  

Telephone: 020 3866 4107 (phoneline open 9am to 3pm weekdays, except Wednesday when it is open 10am to 5pm) or email: info@paladinservice.co.uk Paladin amplifies the voice of the victim within the criminal and civil justice system, as many feel isolated and terrified. Some pay with their lives. Paladin provides a high level of advocacy to anyone at risk of serious harm or homicide from a stalker. Please check their website to see if they are able to accept referrals or give advice as sometimes they are full to capacity and unable to help.


PEGS – full name Parental Education Growth Support – was founded as a response to the lack of support services specifically designed to help parents, carers and guardians experiencing Child to Parent Abuse.

Supporting parents – these services are, and will always remain, free and open to any parental figure regardless of the age of their child (including adult offspring). Virtuaal Drop-in, Peer Support and One to One Support. 

Contact (pegsupport.co.uk)

Our aim is to create safe place where you can talk openly about your experiences, where you will always be listened to and never judged. Our services are free, and open to any parent, carer or guardian experiencing Child to Parent Abuse, regardless of the age of their child (including those with adult offspring).

Once you complete a self referral form (or a professional submits a form on your behalf), we’ll be in touch to let you know which services below we’re able to offer. Our drop-ins and peer support group are available to every parent who refers in to us.

All of our services are specifically for parents – we don’t work directly with children displaying CPA behaviours, however we have a network of partner services who specialise in child-focused support and we can signpost or refer into these as necessary.


Parents | Capa First Response CIC


Every Friday afternoon we offer you the opportunity to talk with a specialist worker about your individual situation.

With up to three free sessions you will start to identify what may be causing your child to behave this way and strategies for change. 

This service is provided over the phone or via an online platform.

1-2-1 SUPPORT 

We offer free or low cost support to the whole family, including parents, siblings and the child identified as using violent and abusive behaviour.

With a team of specialist workers, we offer support over the phone, on digital platforms, via text or face to face.

National Stalking Helpline Helpline: 0808 802 0300 Helpline open 9:30am – 4pm weekdays. The Helpline is not open on bank holidays. Forced Marriage Unit  Telephone: 0207 008 0151, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Out of hours: 020 7008 1500 (ask for the Global Response Centre). NSPCC If you’re worried about a child or are looking for information and resources contact the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 500 8000. Childline If you’re a child looking for confidential help call 0800 1111 Galop, the LGBT+ anti-violence charity Helpline: 0800 999 5428 Emotional and practical support for LGBT people experiencing domestic abuse. Southall Black Sisters Support for black and minority ethnic women with resources available in English, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati and Urdu, with interpretation available in Somali. Available by phone and email only Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Domestic Violence Outreach surgeries available online, Wednesdays 10am to 12pm.  Beacon House Provide therapeutic help for children, young people and adults with mental ill health, their website includes some useful free resources. Holes in the Wall It provides support and resources for those dealing with child to parent violence. GamCare Providing information, advice and support for anyone affected by gambling harms. Call free 0808 8020 133. Respect Phoneline Call: 0808 802 4040 Confidential helpline offering advice, information and support to help you stop being violent and abusive to your partner. Confidential helpline available Monday to Friday 9am-8pm or email info@respectphoneline.org.uk   Respect: Men’s Advice Line  Call: 0808 801 0327 or email info@mensadviceline.org.uk Telephone & email support Monday-Friday 9am-8pm A confidential helpline for any man experiencing domestic violence and abuse from a partner (or ex-partner).